My obsession with useless information and looking things up.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Health benefits of smoking...?

Everyone knows that smoking causes a number of health problems such as lung cancer, emphysema, etc. But did you know that there is actually a health benefit? There have been numerous scientific studies that imply smoking prevents, or at least delays the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

A statistically significant inverse association between smoking and Alzheimer's disease was observed at all levels of analysis, with a trend towards decreasing risk with increasing consumption" (International Journal of Epidemiology, 1991). "The risk of Alzheimer's disease decreased with increasing daily number of cigarettes smoked before onset of disease. . . . In six families in which the disease was apparently inherited . . . the mean age of onset was 4.17 years later in smoking patients than in non-smoking patients from the same family" (British Medical Journal, June 22, 1991). "Although more data are needed . . . (an analysis of 19 studies suggests) nicotine protects against AD" (Neuroepidemiology, 1994). Nicotine injections significantly improved certain types of mental functioning in Alzheimer's patients (Psychopharmacology, 1992). One theory: nicotine improves the responsiveness of Alzheimer's patients to acetylcholine, an important brain chemical.

However, the research is considered contradictory. It is the opinion of one scientist that the reason it is believed that smoking prevents Alzheimer's is because the smoker usually kicks the proverbial bucket, due to smoking-related illness, before Alzheimer's has a chance to attack.

Smoking always comes with risk and is never really beneficial for your health. The main benefit of smoking right now is a societal one-- the hope that smokers will die of disease before there's any depletion of retirement funds for non-smokers.

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